On Thursday last I saw a Tweet (unfortunately I’ve lost
sight of it now) that was bemoaning a very specific flaw with the draw for the
UEFA Europa league. The writer was unhappy that Wolfsburg of Germany, Wolves
of England and Wolfsberg of Austria
were all in different groups. What are the chances, eh? Well, we can work it out.
The task is made a lot easier in that the group stage draw
is seeded with four pots of twelve teams.
The ultimate Wolverine combination was technically possible because the three
teams were in pots 1, 3 and 4 respectively. Sadly, Woolongong Wolves of New South Wales, Australia were not present in
pot 2. Maybe the Europa League will eventually go the way of the Eurovision
Song Contest and open that door one day. We can but hope.
We don’t need to concern ourselves with the actual draw
order, we can just think about the possible outcomes. Wolfsburg are bound to be
in a different group from all of the other pot 1 teams. It doesn’t
matter to us whether it turned out to be group A, B or whatever. Likewise, the
outcomes from pot 2 make no difference. There is no Wolfie interest in that
pot. We care less about pot 2 than Boris Johnson cares about Remainers, and
that’s saying something.
And a pot 2 team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
Any other Pot 1 Team
Any Pot 2 Team
So, Wolfsburg have to be somewhere, and we don’t care who
they are with or what any of the others are doing. We are therefore looking ONLY at one twelfth of
all the possible outcomes at this point, shown here in yellow. The white zones
have another team from Pot 1.
For the outcomes of the third pot, we are only interested in
where Wolves end up. As a WBA fan, even I’m only interested for blogging
purposes. Assuming the draw is fair, they have an equal chance of ending up in
any of the twelve groups.
So the yellow area … is divided into 12 equal pieces. Only
one of these would have Wolves from Pot 3, shown here as Orange. They’d want Old
Gold but they are pretentious like that.
And a pot 2 team
On the right, the Orange area would represent Wolfsburg plus
any pot 2 team plus Wolves. The Yellow areas are Wolfsburg plus any pot 2 team
plus any one of the other 11 pot 3 teams, all of equal probability. So we are down to one-twelfth of one-twelfth
of all the possible outcomes.
Hopefully it is now straightforward to see that the desired
presence of Wolfsburg to join the other two in effect divides the orange area
into twelve once more. Only that twelfth
of the twelfth of the original twelfth is now of interest, shown here as red
but magnified to a different scale at the risk of confusing you.
The rest of the orange is
Wolfsberg/anyone/Wolves/anyone. All the
combinations where Wolfsberg and Wolfsburg are together, but with no Wolves,
would be somewhere over in the yellow zone. Likewise there would be some permutations
in the white areas there which had thrown Wolves and Wolfsburg together, but
without Wolfsberg. Try working out the chances using the same method.
Anyhow, it’s clear that the perfect packing of European Wolves would
only happen in a twelfth of a twelfth of a twelfth of all possible draw
outcomes. This is 1 in (12 x 12 x 12) or 1 in 1728, or as a percentage, around 0.058%.
In round figures about one in 2000. Howl low is that? (sorry) This is low, but still higher than the chances
of being killed by a wolf while the UK is winning the Eurovision Song Contest
and much less than winning the lottery.
Thanks (or should that be fangs) for your interest!